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Web Directory for India Government Websites

The Government of India (GoI) Web Directory is a one-point source to access all Indian Government Websites at all levels and from all sectors.

How to access

The web directory can be accessed at http://goidirectory.gov.in/index.php

Information provided in the directory

The GoI Directory lists the Indian Government websites under the following domains

  • Union Government websites of union Government Apex bodies, Legislatures, Ministries, Departments, Organizations, Academics/Institutions, Autonomous Bodies etc..
  • State & Union Territory Government websites of State & Union Territory Government Apex bodies, Legislatures, Departments, Organizations, Academics/Institutions, Autonomous Bodies etc..
  • District Administration websites of District administration & Local bodies like Municipalities, Town/Village Panchayats etc..
  • Judiciary websites of Supreme Court of India, High Courts, District Courts, Tribunals/Boards and other Judicial entities
  • International websites of Indian missions in other countries, Foreign Missions in India as well as UN and other International Organisations in India.
  • Sectors - The Websites in the GOI Directory are also grouped and listed under 30 different Sectors like Agriculture, Education, Health, Tourism etc..

The content in this Directory is the result of a collaborative effort of various Indian Government Ministries and Departments, at the Central/State/District level. It is our endeavour to continue the enhancement and enrichment of this Directory in terms of website coverage, design and technology on a regular basis.

Information search in the portal

Browsing & Navigation

Users can browse GoI Directory by category like Union/State Government, Judiciary, International etc.. OR by Sectors like Agriculture, Education, Health, Tourism etc. The Site Map OR the Help section for more information and tips on how to browse/navigate the GOI Directory.


The Basic Search enables users to search for a website using word OR phrase in site Title OR URL. The Advanced Search enables users to search within a category like Union/State Government, Judiciary, and International etc. One can also restrict hes / her search to a specific sector like Agriculture, Education, Tourism etc.

Source : GoI Web Directory

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